The Four Agreements Tag

Our internal dialogue is comprised of the many voices in our head. They distract, judge, compare, and appear to support us in solving problems. These voices take us out of the present, causing us to cycle old thoughts and memories about the past and worries or strategies around the future. Instea...

Making assumptions is a habit that can be as hard to break as giving up smoking. Our mind gets addicted to filling in the blanks in any scenario, and before we know it we are reaching for another assumption and harming our mental health. While assumptions might give us an immediate sense...

I had an epiphany last week as I pondered a line from don Miguel's The Circle of Fire prayer. While the world loves The Four Agreements, don Miguel once told me his favorite book is The Circle of Fire, formerly titled "Prayers."

Here is the line that caught my attentio...

Twice a year I make a pilgrimage to the Basilica in Mexico City to visit what is probably the most visited and revered spiritual site of the Americas.

I love the energy, faith, and beauty that vibrates from the people and the place. But this trip I had an experience that both completely sh...

We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?  Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all ...

"Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love." don Miguel Ruiz

While the first agreement, be impeccable with your word, is only five words, they are five words that could be researched and practiced for a long, long time. As I...

One of my worst nightmares almost came true yesterday.

I had just flown from Austin to Seattle and I was walking through baggage claim when I made my awful discovery.

An image of my computer tucked in snuggly with the SkyMall catalog and the airplane emergency procedures brochure se...

To be impeccable means to not use your own knowledge against yourself, and you don't use the voice in your head to abuse you.

~ don Miguel Ruiz, The Voice of Knowledge

A new year. A ne...

Before you learned to speak, you loved with no effort, you forgave with no effort. It was natural to love; it was natural to forgive. But then you learned how to behave from other people who didn’t love, who didn’t forgive. Today, if you really want to...

Last weekend I taught a workshop with the Ruiz family in Austin. Don Miguel, don Miguel Jr, don Jose Luis and I had so much fun teaching together that the next day I asked don Miguel, “Would you want to do more teaching with the four of us next year?”

His reply was simple, as it always...

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