don Miguel Ruiz Tag

Last weekend I taught a workshop with the Ruiz family in Austin. Don Miguel, don Miguel Jr, don Jose Luis and I had so much fun teaching together that the next day I asked don Miguel, “Would you want to do more teaching with the four of us next year?”

His reply was simple, as it always...

Last month my neighbor, Stephen, called me and asked, “Have you talked to the landlord yet?”

Stephen and I live in a mirror-image duplex near downtown Austin; I have the left side, he has the right, and we share one long wall between us and a fabulous landlord.

Our landlord appa...

In the Toltec teachings there are three masteries: awareness, transformation, and intent, which don Miguel Ruiz also calls the mastery of love. We don't “graduate” from one mastery and then leave it behind as we move to the next. I visualize the masteries more like a pyramid. We want to have ...

Last blog I wrote about yes; this blog we will explore getting to love NO, both giving and receiving.

Author Byron Katie shares a brilliant observation about "no:" When you say no to someone else you are saying yes to yourself.

Yes and no go hand in hand. For each yes, there is a no...

I'm on a greyhound bus, watching sunrise talcum powder the sky soft rose and gold and turquoise. As the golden hills and massive oak trees of California start to merge into the tall soldier pine forests of Oregon, I have a song jangling around in my sleepy head like loose keys in a big purse.


When I planned my first visit to the Texas gulf coastline I bounced around like a kid for a week before the trip, excitedly gathering things for the journey. Sunscreen. Sand castle building tools.  A good mat to lie on. I had visions of barefoot walks and sand between my toes, the lull of wa...

Imagine that you have a magical kitchen in your home. In that magical kitchen, you can have any food you want from any place in the world in any quantity. You never worry about what to eat; whatever you wish for, you can have at your table. You are very generous with your food; you give your food...

Yesterday I was sitting in a coffee shop near my sister's house in Atlanta, enjoying a cup of green tea as I caught up on emails.

Suddenly I became aware of the intensity of a conversation happening nearby. I couldn't see who was talking, but if I leaned back and I could have easily touche...

I love it when I am wrong.

I used to do everything I could to be right, and avoid being wrong.

Now I will clap my hands when I discover a misperception and tell people: “I'm wrong. I love it when I am wrong!”

And I truly mean it.

Here's how you, too, can be excited...

Amber-Allen Publishing
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